There is a very short time-frame in which we can make a manual adjustment to your shipping address.
Please first check to see if you've received an automated email from us with a tracking number.
If you have, it is already too late and we cannot any adjustments the shipping details of the package. You'll need to contact the mail courier as soon as possible to schedule and pay for a redirection.
If you have not, there is a chance that we still cannot make the adjustment because once the order starts processing, we cannot make adjustments.
With that said, we'll definitely try to get your address changed. In order to give you the best chance at making this change, please contact us via the support button at or email us at as soon as possible with the following information:
Order :
Email Address:
New Address 1:
New Address 2:
New Address City, State, Zip:
New Address Country:
We'll then get back to you letting you know whether we were able to make this change or not.
keywords: change, wrong, off, some, place, where else, ship, shipping, shipped, missing, address, adjust, zipcode, place, zip, postal, code, unit, country, state, city, suite, ste, apartment, number, street, name, move, moved, moving, different, update, adjust, adjusting